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Aquileia: the Patriarchal Basilica

Dedicated to the Holy Mother of God and to St. Hermagoras and St. Fortunatus, the history of the Basilica dates many centuries back. It was built in 313 AD by Bishop Theodorus, after the "Edict of Milan".

Probably as a consequence of a fire, the cathedral was rebuilt by Bishop Chromatius and underwent further modifications under Patriarch Maxentius. In the 11th century Patriarch Poppo of Treffen, regarded as the "great renovator" of the Basilica, raised the perimeter walls, frescoed the apsis and raised the bell tower.

In the 12th century Patriarch Ulrich II von Treven frescoed the crypt. After the catastrophic earthquake of 1348 Patriarch Marquard of Randeck rebuilt the roof and the wooden ceiling.